Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
OCSD has changed their application process as of 10/29/24. They no longer use a third-party platform. There will be a two-step process to complete the data migration.
Applicants pending will be required to reupload documents to prevent any delays.
See attached for a step-by-step guide.
You may refer to their website and or the link
CCW Pro:
This link walks you through the process: CCW Pro Sign on Steps WARNING: The link is slow and tedious. I suggest the CCW Pro link.
YES! S.B. 2 once required CCW Instructors to have Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) credentials. I am a POST Certified Firearms Instructor and an NRA Training Counselor (train other instructors). Now NRA credentials are honored again, but POST Instructor training is more comprehensive.
As of September 6, 2024 and until further notice, California CCW holders are additionally prohibited from carrying in:
1) Any place that serves alcohol for on-site consumption (including food restaurants with alcohol)
2) Zoos and museums
3) Athletic facilities and stadiums
4) Amusement parks
5) Libraries
6) All parks. (This could mean beaches too if they're considered parks. An exception is made if you have to cross through the park to get to your residence, place of business, or vehicle, but you can't spend more time than is necessary to transit the park).
7) Any playground or youth center
8) Any government building
9) Property managed by the Fish and Wildlife or Park and Recreation Departments. (These would be California State Parks and State Beaches. The ruling declared "most areas" in these parks could be prohibited, but they didn't clarify what they mean by "most" areas.)
Additionally, all the parking areas associated with these "sensitive locations" are off-limits. For schools, the street and sidewalk adjacent to the schools are off-limits. However, for most areas you are allowed to leave the gun locked in a safe within your vehicle that is within the parking lot.
The required training for renewals is now 8-hrs. New applicants need a 16-hr course. The training requirements will be the same for ALL issuing authorities (LASD, OCSD, LBPD, etc.) Tuition for 2024 is $400 for the initial course and $180 for renewal applicants. Tuition does not include the $20 range fee changed by FT3. Tuition is the same no matter how many guns you have/want on your permit. I collect tuition the first time we meet in-person (at the range for renewals or in the classroom for initial applicants). I also offer private and semi-private courses if my public schedule doesn't work for you.
Tuition for 2024 is $400 for the initial course and $180 for renewal applicants. Tuition does not include the $20 range fee changed by FT3. Tuition is the same no matter how many guns you have/want on your permit. I collect tuition the first time we meet in-person (at the range for renewals or in the classroom for initial applicants).
I teach a 16-hr. course for initial applicants approved by the LA and OC Sheriff’s Departments. I also teach an 8-hr. course for renewal applicants. My courses are offered in 4-hr. blocks. The first module is via Zoom teleconference. You may complete this one from anywhere you have an internet connection. LASD applicants my NOT attend remotely. They sit-in while I host a Zoom class. This applies to LASD applicants only, NOT to city jurisdictions within LA County.
All classes start at 6 pm. Each module is 4 hours. The qualification time is included in Module 4, but scheduled individually.
Both initial and renewal applicants will need to shoot the required qualification course of fire with me at a day/time to be scheduled individually – usually on a Friday evening between 7 and 9 pm at FT3 Tactical, the nicest range in S. Cal. FT3 is at 8230 Electric Ave. in Stanton, near Beach and Katella.
If you are a renewal applicant, you need the Zoom module and Module 4 - Simulation Exercises, the required mental health discussion and written exam. Initial applicants will take two additional modules in my modern, climate-controlled classroom in the Zee Medical Building, 16631 Burke Lane, Huntington Beach where you will use state-of-the-art, computer-assisted training devices for dry-fire exercises. You will have hands-on training with popular gear and gadgets (guns, holsters, tactical lights, non-lethal options, etc.). You will draw from concealment with laser guns in various tactical settings against a clock. Speed and shot placement will be analyzed. You will be ready to qualify for holster-draw privileges at FT3 AND participate in practical competitions (Handgun Challenge and IDPA matches).
All approved classes cover the prescribed curriculum. How the material is presented is up to your instructor. Here's how I teach: Both the 16-hour initial course and the 8-hour renewal class is taught in 4-hour modules that may be taken in any order except the simulator module (Module 4) which must be last.
There is a Zoom module (Module 1) that covers CCW holder’s responsibilities, conflict avoidance, situational awareness, physiological and psychological considerations for self-defense and the legal aspects of conceal carry and self-defense. It also include a discussion of real-world scenarios (what would you do … if?). This is required for both initial and renewal applicants.
We cover Firearms Fundamentals for proficiency in both precision and defensive shooting in a first module (Module 2). This is part of the initial course only. I teach this module the same way I coach members of the United States Military Pentathlon Team for World Championships. After this 4-hr. module you are likely to be the best precision shooter at any range you go to. Students like this module whether they are new to firearms or already expert shooters. This is required for initial applicants, but optional for renewals for an extra $120. NOTE: This same Firearms Fundamentals Class is $200 for non-CCW applicants.
Another module (Module 3) covers hand’s-on exercises to develop and test your knowledge, skills and attitudes. We discuss and handle gear and gadgets. We learn to draw from concealment, engaging a threat under different circumstances, etc. We will be drawing and shooting laser guns at computerized targets. I will furnish everything you need for classroom exercises – except a belt for the holster I will loan you and an outer garment that needs to cover your firearm. This module is not required for renewal applicants.
The final module (Module 4) for all applicants includes the final exam, the required block on mental health, and simulation training with my SimRange Simulator where you will engage with life-sized, professionally acted, real-world threat situations requiring your understanding of the rules engagement for the use of deadly force. You will need to draw and shoot (a laser gun) when justified. You may also use less than deadly force or take action to disengage entirely. If you draw from concealment and shoot, your shots will be evaluated for speed, accuracy and lethality. The legal and ethical aftermath will be discussed after each scenario with a chance to hear the opinions of a "jury of your peers" (your classmates) who will be be coached to consider the elements of proof necessary to convict you of charges you may face after a shooting (e.g. brandishing a firearm, kidnapping, manslaughter, involuntary homicide, voluntary homicide, attempted or actual first, second, or third degree murder). This experience WILL elevate your heart rate! You will also experience tunnel vision and learn the importance of scanning and assessing for secondary threats. I am not aware of any other CCW classes in Southern California using LaserShot (TM) SimRange (TM) simulations.
I have over 600 (Judgmental Training Software) simulation scenarios. You may want additional simulator training which may be arranged after your class ($50/hr.) for groups of 4 or more. I also offer simulator training with other exercises for students preparing for practical shooting competitions (IDPA, Steel Challenge, etc.), or otherwise just wanting to work on defensive shooting with realism you can't get from practice at most ranges. Some local businesses bring clients for a "Simulator Party." They say it is a great team building experience.
My priorities are safety, confidence, competence, AND fun! I am a former university assistant professor (kinesiology – motor learning) and was the Deputy Chief of Staff for Training in an Army command with 10,000 soldiers. I have a LOT of training experience. I am the current marksmanship coach of the US Department of Defense Military Pentathlon Team and a former competitor with three podium finishes in World Championship competitions. I was at the Olympic Training Center for 4-years. I know how to shoot and how to coach you. Read my Yelp reviews.
If you just want to "punch your ticket" and think you already know everything - I'm NOT your guy!
Both LA and OC Sheriff’s Departments are swamped with applications. It usually takes several months to complete the application process and be given the “OK” to take the required training (conditional approval). Google “CCW Long Beach, CCW Los Angeles or CCW Orange County. Then look for the Police or Sheriff’s Department web site. Their site will walk you through the application process. It is tedious, but not complicated. I offer to help folks apply if they can’t figure it out. I’ve never needed to do that. NOTE: You’ll see private web sites in your search. Some are helpful, but I recommend just going straight to the Sheriff’s Department or City Police Department site for the county/City you live in.
It can take a year for LA initial applicants. If you are renewing, I suggest you start the process 120 days before your current permit expires. The first thing Initial applicants should do is start the application process with the Sheriff’s Department. You do not need to wait for approval before taking my class. The Sheriff’s Department will approve my training as long as it is not more than 6-month old – even then exceptions may be granted. If you are told your class is out-of-date I will give a refresher class at no charge. I will also refund your tuition if you are not approved, but unless you have a serious problem with the law (felony conviction) there is a 99% chance you will be approved.
Once you are conditionally approved, it isn’t uncommon that you will be given a short window to get your training (typically 2-weeks). If my class is full or you otherwise can’t finish my training by your deadline, you may ask for an extension. Extensions are typically granted. You just need to be able to tell them the date of your class. I teach classes every month, so you’ll be fine. Just don’t wait until the last minute to try and find a class.
I also offer private and semi-private classes where you may pick the class dates. Semi-private classes for 4 or more are the same cost as my public classes. The “catch” is that YOU need to organize the class and make the arrangements for them all. (I have only 1 point of contact). For example: You have 4 folks that want an initial class on a Saturday. The organizer coordinates the date/time with me and you’re all set. Tuition for each student is $400. If you want a semi-private class but don’t have a group of 4 or more, that’s OK, but I’ll still need to collect $1,600 from the group (e.g. Students in a class of 2 pay $800 each, a class of 3 pay $533 each). Private renewal classes are $720. Private initial classes are $1,600.
Yes. But,. I've never had a student fail the qualification course of fire after the basic course. If you still want to develop further skills, I offer a 4-hour experience in a $30,000 simulator where you will interact with professional actors in various threat settings. You will need to assess each situation, make "shoot, no-shoot" decisions and defend your actions as you would against criminal and/or civil consequences. This experience WILL get your heart-rate up! That training is $50/ht..
I also offer the same lever of personal coaching I give to pistol shooters preparing for world championship competition. I charge $125/hour for live-fire coaching at FT3 and $100/hr. for dry-fire coaching in my classroom.
Yes. In fact, most are (e.g Los Angeles City, Long Beach). The LA County Sheriff's Department has been swamped with CCW applications since the Bruen Case so they turned over their CCW program to most of the major, incorporated City Chiefs of Police. If you are a Los Angeles County CCW applicant, I suggest your contact your city PD and ask how they want to handle a CCW application.
I offer a wide variety of pistol marksmanship classes, including family firearm safety training, basic pistol marksmanship and advanced marksmanship training. They are offered privately as well as small group classes. See my class listings for more details.
It isn't uncommon to be required by a judge to take a gun safety class. That can happen if you are found to have a gun improperly stored, used in an unsafe manner, or carried in public illegally. The court order doesn't usually specify what kind of course you must take as long as gun safety is part of the curriculum There may be course length requirement, but not always.
I offer two options for court-ordered training. You will get a course completion certificate that satisfies the court after completion of either one. The option I recommend is my 8-hour CCW course. It covers California gun laws in depth. (violating one or more of these is probably why a person got in trouble in the first place.) It is not a marksmanship class. This course assumes you are already able to handle a pistol safety and can hit a 19" target 70% of the time at 3, 5, and 7 yards. (Most people can do that with no training at all.) In that course, we also talk about situational awareness and threat avoidance - how NOT to be in a gun fight in the first place. The other option is my 6-hour firearms fundamentals class. That class will make you a much better shooter. In fact, most folks who take that class from me find themselves to be the best shooter at any range they go to.
The question to ask yourself is: What do you want most ... to be a better shooter or to better understand gun laws and how to stay safe inside or outside your home?